Genesis Research & Technology Group Readies its launch on October 25, 2017
DALLAS, October 19, 2017 (Newswire.com) - The anticipated Water Token ICO, that has the Ethereum/blockchain market buzzing, has been downloaded by thousands of potential investors in anticipation of the Oct. 25 launch. Darren McVean, CEO of MVP Asia Pacific says, “The interest in the whitepaper demonstrates the magnitude of bitcoin investors that are looking to place monies in investment-grade opportunities.” Genesis Research & Technology Group has taken the tedious responsibility of showcasing the IoT (Internet of Things) system for the blockchain model. Michael Lagow, CAO of Genesis Research & Technology Group states, “Water is vital to our existence and being able to monitor the quality of that resource is imperative. What better way to ensure chemical-free, clean water than with the undeniable results stored completely on the blockchain forever.” The Water Token whitepaper also profiles the return on investment and the payout to investors in a timely manner.
The whitepaper for the Water Token ICO describes in detail the enormous productivity of these portable and scalable systems that can clean up to 20,000 barrels of water per hour. “One must wonder how much water is toxic and how this can affect the environment and our parks at large,” says Marlon Rollins, a Dallas Park Member. The oil and gas industry has historically wanted to use green technology but the platform was not available. The Genesis System cleans toxic frack water, which is used in oil production and returns it to a reusable state. That is a revolution. Clean, chemical-free water is a precious commodity; and, worldwide, millions of barrels of water are made toxic every month and must be dumped into disposal wells back into the Earth.
The green technology Water Token is one in which we need to share the excitement and the rewards with the world.
Billy Hood, Chief Marketing Officer of Genesis Research & Technology Group
The whitepaper has also detailed one of the largest bounty campaigns in the history of the blockchain. An astounding $12,500,000 USD awaits bloggers, journalists, along with Twitter and Facebook enthusiasts. “The green technology Water Token is one in which we need to share the excitement and the rewards with the world,” says Billy Hood, Chief Marketing Officer for Genesis Research & Technology Group. The criteria for the bounty program is available on the Water Token ICO webpage and are viewable at the Bounty Campaign Terms page. Along with the various nuances of the Water Token, visitors can view the technology and worldwide expansion that Genesis Research & Technology Group will roll out with the ICO.
About Genesis Research and Technology Group: Genesis Research and Technology Group is a U.S.-based company that has developed a patented, state-of-the-art technology that provides clean reusable water for the world’s population. The Company exploits its CHEMICAL-FREE technology as its efforts are being recognized by several leading government agencies developing and implementing Green technologies to protect and preserve our Earth’s resources.
Genesis Research and Technology Group provides custom-built state-of-the-art water treatment technologies for all types of water. Years of research and development go into perfecting this technology that allows Genesis to offer its clients a sole source, reusable water filtering and cleansing technology that is totally chemical-free.
For more information: watertoken.io/genesis
Media Contact:
Patricia Almand
Phone: 855-8100UMG
Email: patricia@umgad.com
Source: Genesis Research & Technology Group